Sérgio Lucena Mendes

Title: Dr. (UNICAMP, Brasil, 1997)
Personal page: http://vertufes.orgfree.com; www.biodiversidade.org.br
Research groups: CNPq (Google Translator version)
Curriculum: Lattes

Participation in projects:

Title Starting datesort ascending Deadline (months) Participation in the project
01/03/2009 24 Coordinator *


Participants in examination boards:

Title Name Defense datesort ascending Course
BRUNA SILVA SANTOS 30/03/2012 MSc in Animal Biology
VALDEMIR PEREIRA DE SOUSA 15/07/2011 MSc in Animal Biology
BERTHA NICOLAEVSKY 25/02/2011 MSc in Animal Biology
LUANA D`AVILA CENTODUCATTE 25/02/2011 MSc in Animal Biology
CLARA SCARPATI ALVARENGA 26/02/2010 MSc in Animal Biology


Disciplines taught:

Academic termsort ascending Code Name Hours Course
2011/2 PBAN-9531 Research Seminar III 15 PhD in Animal Biology
2011/1 PBAN-9509 Fauna Management and Conservation 60 MSc in Animal Biology
2010/2 PBAN-9531 Research Seminar III 15 PhD in Animal Biology
2010/1 PBAN-9507 Animal Behaviour 60 MSc in Animal Biology
2008/2 PBAN-9507 Animal Behaviour 60 MSc in Animal Biology


Guided Students:

Name Title Defense datesort ascending Role Type
KAROLINE LUIZA SARGES MARQUES 30/07/2014 Advisor * PhD thesis
FLÁVIA SILVA MARTINELLI 29/04/2014 Advisor * MSc dissertation
AMANDA FRANCISCHETTO COLODETTI 24/04/2014 Advisor * MSc dissertation
Danielle de Oliveira Moreira 29/08/2013 Advisor * PhD thesis
CINTIA CORSINI FERNANDES 22/02/2013 Advisor * MSc dissertation


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